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My Art Life


My earliest memories as a child were of sitting on my moms lap as she thumbed through a book of Matisse. I have loved and appreciated art all my life. 

With a big beautiful family at a young age, I could only paint on weekends and even that was minimal. I was out making bread for the family and quite proud to do it, but I never forgot about art.


I ended up being pretty good in corporate America - working for 3 design firms (I was an exhibit designer) before I started my own firm. It was a success and eventually, with the help of my great business partner, I achieved my goal of being out by the time I was 55. I had told myself forever - if I could use the last third of my life making art then its a huge win.


Happy to report I am indeed winning because I try to paint every singles day now.


I have 5 kids, 6 grandkids and a wife who is the ultimate "life" partner. Another win ;)


Life is working in reverse - I am a struggling artist as an old dude. Not exactly the "Soho" experience I longed for in art school - but damn I feel lucky.


At the end of the day nothing has changed. I am exactly like that child I was, drawing with crayons at the kitchen table thinking "this next one will be my masterpiece!" The medium has changed and I work in a studio - but the sentiment is the same.


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